Lauch Your Nursing Dream Career In Germany! With Our German Language Programs
Louise Park College of Health Sciences offers German language courses designed for aspiring nurses who want to work in Germany. Our program equips you with the necessary language skills to succeed in a fulfilling nursing career.
Germany Awaits
Germany awaits you. Germany currently has too few nurses. The future doesn’t look any different. The language and culture in Kenya are not very different from those of the Germans. You only have to learn the German language. This will take about a year.
Your Requirements
You would like to participate in the Ready for Germany Project?Then you should satisfy these conditions as a project member:

KCSE C-and Above

18 to 40 Years Of Age
German Language B2 Certificate
At Louise Park College Of Health Science
Free Sponsership to study nursing in Germany
Guarantee Enrollment
Guarantee Job Oportunity
No Agency Fee

You Enroll At Louisepark College Of Health Science
Tuition Fee 15000 Per Month
Classes 4hrs Per Day, 20hrs Per Week….Each Level Takes 2 Months
You learn German Language and Fly to Germany
Want to work, earn, and live in Germany? Enroll in our German language program at Louise Park College Of Health Science and open doors to exciting opportunities in the healthcare field!
other german oportunities
Are You Ready?
Get Started Now!
Say yes and be part of the project Ready for Ger-many. Start the countdown to your future andmake the decision to live and work in Germany